Diposting oleh Raden Mas Nureko Kustiarno Wibowo Minggu, 24 Januari 2010
Client is a process that actively request service from another process. The server is a process that will passively wait for service requests from other processes, then execute the request, and provide responses to the request.


In this architecture all the processing done on the mainframe. Application code, data and all system components are placed and executed on the host. Although the client computer used to access the mainframe, no padamesin processing this happens, and because they "dump-client" or "dump-terminal". Type model, where all processing occurs centrally, known as host-based. Glance can be found fault with this model. There was a problem in host-based computing: First, all processing occurs on a single machine, so that more users are accessing the host, become increasingly overwhelmed.

• Excess Stand Alone (Tier 1)
Installation of more modest and uncomplicated use karna only 1 host.?

• Lack Stand Alone (Tier 1)
Performance will be slow if all users access at the same time.?
Without the network can not access other computers?
Risk encoding not happen tersetruktur?


Client / Server is also a Tier Two because this architecture has only two levels, one as a client and another as a server. This architecture enables applications on client computers interact with the server through the network. And applications in place on the client computer and the machine, then run the database on the server. And applications in use by the client sends a request to the server and then shipped back to the client.

• Excess Two-Tier
reduce the processing burden from a central computer to the client computer.? This means that more and more users get on the application client / server, file server performance will not decrease rapidly
It can change the business logic with logic persentation?

• Lack of Two-Tier
Lack of scalability?
A database connection is maintained?
There is no code keterbaharuan?
There is no mid-level to handle security and transaction?
to design and implement protocols?
to design and implement a reliable data storage?

C. three-tier
Model three-tier or multi-tier developed to address limitations in the architecture of client / server. In this model, distributed processing in the three layers (or more if applied multitier architecture). The third layer in this architecture each adding specific functionality. Namely:
• Service presentation (the clients)
• business services (intermediate level)
• Service data (data source level)
Services presentation or user interface logic is placed on the client machine. Business logic out of the client code and placed in the middle level. Data services layer contains the server.
The concept of three-tier model is a model that divides functionality into layers, aplikasiaplikasi get scalability, keterbaharuan, and security.

Excess three-tier?
? Connection database can be in-pool and then shared by several users, which will greatly reduce the costs associated with per-user licensing.
Organization has a database of independent, because the data layer is written using standard SQL platform is free.? The company is not tied to vendor-specific stored procedures.
application layer written in the third or fourth generation standard, which has used programmers from the company.?

• Lack of three-tier
Requires lord network bandwidth.?
relational mapping difficult objec?

D. N-tier

Multi-Tier Architecture is a method very similar to Tier Three. The difference, in Multi Tier is made clear the UI (User Interface) and Processing.Yang Data architecture is distinguished by the Business Logic Server. Database Server and Bussines Logic Server is part of Data Processing, and Application Server and Client / Terminal is part of the UI.

• Excess N-tier

The relationship between application layer, middle layer and back-end layer becomes increasingly more clear and unambiguous?
It is also safer security dibandingankan concept of client / server or desktop?
In the event of application development, using concepts like this become much more flexible?
We can provide a rule-the rule is clear to any process tha?t will be used by the application layer

• Lack of three-tier
?It is not efisient
likely to occur bugs?Karna too complexes
It is difficult in sharing the burden.?

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